ICP Contract Required Detection Limit Standard 2 in 5% HNO3/tr. Tartaric Acid/tr. HF, 125 mL



Product Information

Part # :CRDL-2

Study Number :

Matrix :5% HNO3/tr. Tartaric Acid/tr. HF

Volume : 125 mL

Units/Pack :1

Expiration : 365 Days / 12 Months

Storage Condition :Ambient

Hazardous Info :

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Hazardous Hazardous

This item has been deemed as hazardous.

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CLP Standards for ICP & ICP-MS Our Contract Laboratory Program (CLP) standards allow you to Calibrate with Confidence®. The standards are to be used in conjunction with the Statement of Work for Inorganic Analysis; Multi-Media/Multi-Concentration Document Number ILM 05.3/ISM 01.2. The final ICP check, performed in our own laboratories, is your stamp of assurance. We calibrate our instruments with traceable reference materials and show you the actual found value of the solution you receive, not just an ideal, calculated number as so many other standards manufacturers do. The combination of elements, concentrations and matrices listed have been diagnosed by SPEX CertiPrep for convenience of use and stability. US EPA SOW ILM 05.3/ISM 01.2 gives specific procedures for the methods of analysis, target elements, and concentrationlevels. Standards are specified not only by the elements present and their relative concentrations, but also the order and frequency of running standards, blanks and samples. Details of these specifications may be found in the US EPA SOW ILM 05.3/ISM 01.2 in the following sections: • Exhibit C, Inorganic Target Analyte List (TAL) • Exhibit D, Analytical Methods • Exhibit E, QA/QC Requirements CLP ISM 01.2 & ILM 05.3 Standards for ICP For ILM 05.3, a standard must be run at the Contract Required Detection Limits (CRDL). To verify linearity near the CRQL, this standard is analyzed at the beginning of the analysis run, after the ICV/ICB and before the ICSA and ICSAB. In addition, this standard must be run at a frequency of not less than 20 analytical samples and at the end of the analysis run, followed by the ICSA/ISCAB. The sequence order is CCV, CCB, CRI, ICSA, ICSAB, CCV, and CCB. For ISM 01.2, at least one of your calibration standards must be at the Contract Required Detection Limit (CRDL). This standard, when diluted, can be used as a calibration standard to fulfill this requirement.

Component Concentration Matrix CAS#
Iron 200 µg/mL 5% HNO3/tr. Tartaric Acid/tr. HF
Antimony 120 µg/mL 5% HNO3/tr. Tartaric Acid/tr. HF
Zinc 120 µg/mL 5% HNO3/tr. Tartaric Acid/tr. HF
Cobalt 100 µg/mL 5% HNO3/tr. Tartaric Acid/tr. HF
Vanadium 100 µg/mL 5% HNO3/tr. Tartaric Acid/tr. HF
Nickel 80 µg/mL 5% HNO3/tr. Tartaric Acid/tr. HF
Selenium 70 µg/mL 5% HNO3/tr. Tartaric Acid/tr. HF
Copper 50 µg/mL 5% HNO3/tr. Tartaric Acid/tr. HF
Thallium 50 µg/mL 5% HNO3/tr. Tartaric Acid/tr. HF
Manganese 30 µg/mL 5% HNO3/tr. Tartaric Acid/tr. HF
Arsenic 20 µg/mL 5% HNO3/tr. Tartaric Acid/tr. HF
Chromium 20 µg/mL 5% HNO3/tr. Tartaric Acid/tr. HF
Lead 20 µg/mL 5% HNO3/tr. Tartaric Acid/tr. HF
Silver 20 µg/mL 5% HNO3/tr. Tartaric Acid/tr. HF
Beryllium 10 µg/mL 5% HNO3/tr. Tartaric Acid/tr. HF
Cadmium 10 µg/mL 5% HNO3/tr. Tartaric Acid/tr. HF